The Ranger soon noticed that there was something wrong with the Hyena. He tried to see what the matter could be but it crawled into a concrete drain pipe under the road, he saw his chance and blocked the entrance with netting which he fortunately had with him. He phoned Brian at the Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre who was awaiting the arrival of guests. He immediately gathered the necessary items and guides he needed to help and drove by vehicle in the direction he was given.
(The image on the right shows The snare around the Brown Hyena’s neck.)
(Image on the left shows how deep the scar is and the Maggots.)
On arrival they found the Brown Hyena huddled at the far end of the pipe; it was clear there was something severely wrong. He was darted and brought to the rehab for further inspection. Once we had him settled in the clinic it was, to our shock, we discovered that the Hyena had an animal’s worst enemy . . . . . . . ‘a snare,’ around his neck which had cut deeply into the flesh. By the state of the wound it looked as if this animal had been walking around with this ‘necklace of death’ for at least 2 months. The skin in some places had already started growing over the snare and the wound was teaming with maggots.

Just two weeks down the road we felt it was time for the Brown Hyena’s first check-up. A vet was called in to give his verdict. The vet darted him and gave him a thorough inspection. We were all amazed at how wonderfully his appalling wounds had healed in such a short period. The vet gave our Hyena the thumbs up and declared that he would soon be ready for release.
Excitement and anticipation are the emotions that were swelling through the Rehab as we geared up for his release. A nearby Game Farm was to be his new home and they had prepared a Boma for his arrival. Once the schedule of darting and fitting the tracking collar was fulfilled, the Hyena was transferred to his new home where he is to stay in the Boma for awhile to allow him to adjust to his new surroundings.
Once he is settled, this regal creature with his chocolate coloured fur, shaggy mane and banded legs will, once again, be able to roam at his leisure. We will be able to watch over him and monitor his movements with the help of the collar which will transmit his co-ordinates to us. We hope that from this experience we will be able to learn a little more about this elusive animal’s habits that is such a rare sight to behold. Go Well friend!
1 comment:
Brian, Jenny and the team are so dedicated to their work. It's really quite inspirational.
This was a really interesting post.
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